Blog & News

Threshgiving = Threshold Thanksgiving Celebration!

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We have a lot to be thankful for this year. We have a tremendously cool world story event happening right now that has brought back so many long time players with historic characters. That calls for a celebration.

BEGINS: Wednesday, November 23rd around 5pm EST.
ENDS: Tuesday, November 29th around 8am EST

  • 4x EXP – QUADRUPLE EXPERIENCE. We’ve never done more than double XP. This is total insanity!!!!!
  • 1/4 Lvl & Glvl Coin Training Costs. Complements that Quadruple XP quite nicely, no?
  • 2x World Drops – With PIE added to the world drops.
  • HRPT – Highly Recommended Playing Time – Monday, Nov 28 will be another HRPT with massive world story developments. DO NOT MISS IT!
  • Massive Amounts of Roleplay will be happening throughout the event. NPCs of all varieties will be interacting with players to spur along the world story. The event will also get tons of people online which will further add to roleplay opportunities.

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